By Kevin Hughes
Rep. Tammy Nichols tells Dr. Daniel Bobinski: People passing themselves off as Republicans are just creating confusion – Brighteon.TV
Idaho Rep. Tammy Nichols said people trying to pass themselves off as Republicans are just creating confusion. “We have these people trying to pass themselves off as Republicans or as conservatives when they’re not even closely related to what that is. I don’t even know if they understand what a real Republican is. But we have […]
By Mary Villareal
Merritt Medical Hour: Starvation and famine will be weaponized to control people – Brighteon.TV
Food shortages are plaguing the globe. Starvation and famine appear to be at the center of the next phase in the consolidated attempts of various governments to make people surrender their freedoms. In the April 27 episode of the “Merritt Medical Hour on Brighteon.TV,” Dr. Lee Merritt and “The New American” magazine senior editor Alex Newman […]
By Kevin Hughes
Jeffrey Prather: Bucha massacre is a false flag – Brighteon.TV
The Bucha massacre is a false flag. That was the contention of Jeffrey Prather during the April 8 episode of his program “The Prather Point” on Brighteon.TV. “So I am not supporting the fake news propaganda press march to war. And I have now analyzed the intelligence and it looks very clearly like the Bucha massacre is […]
By Kevin Hughes
Jeffrey Prather: Ukraine is the biolab for fifth-generation warfare and global inflection point for Great Reset – Brighteon.TV
Ukraine is the biolab for fifth generation warfare and the global inflection point for everything that is happening now, according to “The Prather Point” host Jeffrey Prather. “Ukraine itself is the biolab. It’s the biolab for fifth-generation warfare against third-generation warfare. It’s the inflection. It’s the global inflection point now for everything that is happening,” Prather […]
By Kevin Hughes
Ex-intel officer Jeff Prather tells Ann Vandersteel: Ukraine is a puppet of US government, a biolab for fifth generation war – Brighteon.TV
Former intelligence officer and “Prather Point” host Jeffrey Prather told “Steel Truth” host Ann Vandersteel that Ukraine is a puppet of the United States government and a biolab for fifth generation war. “Ukraine in itself is a biolab for fifth generational war, just as Ukraine is a puppet of the United States government – the […]
By Roy Green
Atty. Renz tells President Biden: Take care of your house first before taking care of someone else’s – Brighteon.TV
Atty. Thomas Renz has an unsolicited advice for President Joe Biden: Take care of your house first before taking care of someone else’s. The “Lawfare with Tom Renz” aired his concern over the special attention Biden is giving to Ukraine following an invasion by neighboring Russia during the March 15 edition of the show on Brighteon.TV. […]
By Nolan Barton
Scott Kesterson: War in Ukraine framed by media, emotions around it generated by deep programming – Brighteon.TV
“BardsFM” host Scott Kesterson believes the war in Ukraine is mainly created by the media while the emotions around it are mostly generated by deep programming. “This action that Russia took in Ukraine was manipulated by our media. They have used every trick in the book setting up production facilities on the ground in Kyiv […]
By Kevin Hughes
Mike Adams tells Dr. Alan Keyes: Crash of global markets will cause social unrest, political uprisings around the world
The Health Ranger Mike Adams told “Let’s Talk America” host Dr. Alan Keyes that the crash of global markets will lead to riots, social unrest and political uprisings around the world. “They are crashing the global markets or the supply chain of oil, energy, food and fertilizer. This is all happening simultaneously because it’s interrelated. […]
By Roy Green
Scott Kesterson: World finance system will collapse and dollar will crumble in Great Reset – Brighteon.TV
Scott Kesterson dreads the day when the Great Reset happens, but knows it’s inevitable. There are luminous signs: the mounting foreign debt, the collapsing dollar, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the push for more vaccines, the broken supply chain, the spiking oil prices, the looming food shortage and the digital international ID proposal. All of these […]
By Kevin Hughes
Melissa Red Pill: Ukraine is hub for criminal operations of the New World Order – Brighteon.TV
Melissa Red Pill told her viewers that Ukraine is a hub for the criminal operations of the New World Order. “Why is Ukraine important? You’ve got to realize Ukraine is the hub for the criminal operation for the New World Order,” Red Pill said during the March 2 episode of the “Freedom Force Battalion” on Brighteon.TV. (Related: The […]
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