electromagnetic pulse
By Arsenio Toledo
How to get home after America is hit with an EMP attack
America’s already fragile electrical grid can be taken down easily with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. This strike can be dangerous, especially if people caught in its aftermath do not know what to do. The best thing you can do is to head home immediately. An EMP attack is an intense burst of electromagnetic energy. This […]
By Kevin Hughes
How to prepare for an EMP threat
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack could disable every homes, hospital, supermarket, communication channels, banking systems and other corporate settings connected to an electrical grid. It could also hurt our environment, family, wellbeing and assets. Being prepared for an EMP attack is a preparation for everything else. “If there’s an electrical magnetic pulse, that stops everything. […]
By Ethan Huff
Will there be an EMP attack on American soil before the election?
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released a new report warning that an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack could take place in the United States at some point between now and the Nov. 3 election. Entitled, “DHS Combats Potential Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack,” the chilling memo, of sorts, explains that there are “evolving threats against […]
By JD Heyes
EMP threat to U.S. power grid identified just weeks ahead of vitally important elections
A new report from the Department of Homeland Security said the agency is continuing to prepare for a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack ahead of the November election. In accordance with an executive order, DHS released the “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Program Status Report Sept. 3 detailing ongoing efforts to shore up and defend the nation’s […]
By Rex Carter
How to survive in a post-EMP world: Items you need to include in your garbage can Faraday cage
EMP attacks aren’t sci-fi; these pulses disrupt electronic components and overload power transmission or telecommunications facilities. The likely result is a collapse of civilization, as it’s hard to think of any part of society that’s not connected to or powered by electricity. A Faraday cage can protect important devices, such as mobile phones, radios, and computers, […]
By Paul Waters
Prepping 101: What happens during an EMP attack?
What is EMP? You’ve seen it in movies, read it in books, and most probably heard about it in the news. EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, is caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles resulting in a high-frequency burst of electromagnetic energy. This burst of energy will take out anything electronic such as power grids, radios, […]
By Stephanie Diaz
Can you survive after a massive power outage?
Why do preppers do what they do? That’s the question people often ask when they hear about prepping. The world isn’t burning, so what’s the hurry? Little do these people know that threats to humanity are genuine. Even the government admits it: The National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) recently released a report warning of a […]
By Zoey Sky
Tips for surviving an EMP attack in America
Non-preppers often scoff at those who make an effort to prepare for different disaster scenarios. Would they be thinking the same thing after an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack takes place in the country and civilization comes to a halt? (h/t to Large-scale EMP event can halt civilization as we know it An EMP is a […]
By Zoey Sky
Don’t romanticize it: When SHTF, it probably won’t be what you expect
Preppers take self-sufficiency very seriously. If you want to start prepping, don’t make the mistake of thinking that an SHTF scenario is going to be a fun event, like camping in your backyard. (h/t to If a hostile nation were to attack the U.S., would they do it on a nice day with pleasant weather? […]
By Jose Lopez
What’s a Faraday bag and why should every prepper have it?
Smart preppers should know how to protect their electronic devices. These devices are vulnerable either to attack or detection. In order to reduce this vulnerability, a smart prepper should have a Faraday bag. (h/t to The Faraday bag is named after Michael Faraday, a 19th-century scientist who discovered a lot about electromagnetism and electrochemistry. […]
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