societal collapse
By News Editors
The U.S. is a lawless society where the criminals get to go free but underwear and socks are locked up
We live in an environment of complete and utter lawlessness. When predators boldly roam the streets without fear but good people are literally afraid to leave their own homes, that is clearly a sign that our societal collapse has reached a very advanced stage. Even in the rare instances when they are actually caught and […]
By Zoey Sky
Survival 101: What to expect when bartering after SHTF
Some people are curious about prepping because they want to be more self-sufficient, while others may be considering this lifestyle to ensure their survival during more difficult times. If you are worried about where to get supplies after your stockpile runs out when SHTF, you can try to learn more about bartering and the basics […]
By Zoey Sky
SHTF bartering must-haves: 13 Things that will be in demand after an EMP attack
You might already be familiar with common disaster scenarios that you need to prepare for, such as natural disasters or societal collapse. One of the most serious disaster scenarios involves an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. Such an attack could destroy most of your electronics and also take out the electrical grid. Because countries like the U.S. use […]
By JD Heyes
South Africa is officially collapsing under leftist WOKE rule as U.S. embassy issues emergency preparedness instructions to travelers
South Africa, under the left-wing rule of racist black political leaders, has now officially begun to collapse, marking a shocking reversal from being a nation that once secretly developed nuclear weapons. “South Africa has collapsed. US embassy is now informing international travellers to stock up (prepper style) on food and water,” says the beginning of […]
By Olivia Cook
Possible scenarios following an EMP event
Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), such as solar (also known as coronal mass ejections, or CMEs), nuclear (as a result of a high-altitude explosion) or non-nuclear (caused by weapons that generate a strong electromagnetic field without using a nuclear explosion), can have similarly significant effects. Prepper or not, it is important that you examine what may happen […]
By Belle Carter
JD Rucker: Leftists and RINOs won’t survive economic collapse
Independent journalist JD Rucker warned that the leftists’ unpreparedness will make them incapable of surviving a full-blown economic collapse. He also told the RINOs, or Republicans in name only, to stop their hypocrisy as they won’t survive, as well. Rucker, the NOQ Report editor-in-chief, believes that the dollar would blow up and it would be devalued […]
By Kevin Hughes
Hedge fund giant warns of worldwide societal collapse following financial downturn
A prominent hedge fund manager has warned of worldwide societal collapse following a financial downturn. In his recent podcast, and Natural News founder quoted a letter by Elliot Investment Management President Paul Singer about the unfolding financial situation that could possibly trigger the downfall of societies around the world. In a letter sent to investors, Elliot […]
By JD Heyes
L.A. County to close largest jail, releasing 900 mentally ill criminals onto the streets
If you live in California, you seriously need to think about leaving. Or, if you want to stay and you’re a Democrat voter, stop doing that because the party of the donkey is not only making your life more expensive and far less fulfilling, they are making it dangerous as well. Case in point: The […]
By Ethan Huff
Rampant LGBT perversion, violence and mental illness: How America’s collapse was foretold 50 years ago
It has long been argued that, should humanity ever go extinct, it will be because of overpopulation and the depletion of all resources. The reality, though, is that human society is already in the throes of an engineered collapse because of “save the world” depopulation and population control efforts disguised as “sustainability.” In case you […]
By Ethan Huff
THE PURGE? Illinois eliminating bail requirement for murderers starting in 2023
Politicians in the state of Illinois passed a new law that will do away with cash bail for 12 non-detainable offenses, including second-degree murder. The so-called SAFE-T Act (Safety Accountability and Fairness Equity Today Act) will also eliminate the bail requirement for aggravated battery and arson, drug-induced homicide, kidnapping, burglary, robbery, intimidation, aggravated DUI, aggravated […]
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